VMDO First Peoples visit Aotearoa (NZ)
Brian Ruawai , Naomi Tuaopepe , Soundsplash co directors and Ninakaye Taane Tinorau Artist and Label Manager TikiDub
Published 16 September, 2019
VMDO First Peoples Manager Neil Morris was invited to spend time in Aotearoa on invite from Ninakaye Taane-Tonorau , a First Nations Music Manager and Record Label Manager of Tiki Taane and TikiDub Records. Ninakaye is an influential figure who also has extensive experience in many areas of the industry such as event programming and development and working closely with other Maori Music Industry figures to Found the Maori Music Managers Development Initiative ( 3MDI) in 2012.
Time was also spent time with Maori Music Festival Founder of Sound Splash Festival, Brian Ruawai discussing some of the origins of the event and experiences of being a First Nations person running a Mainstream Festival.
Waiata Maori Music Awards 2019
The centre piece of VMDO First Peoples time in Aotearoa was attendance at the Waiata Maori Music Awards upon request from Elison Huata the Executive Director of the Maori Music Awards an entirely First Nations operated event.
The Waiata Maori Music Awards is the foremost Maori Music Awards event in Aotearoa. The event has a rich history linking back into Kapa Haka Maori Arts Dance and Song. It is now an event which encompasses contemporary elements
Waiata sought insight from VMDO First Peoples on ways that a Global First Nations element could be included in their Future awards to include contribution from Australia.
Future Prospects
The VMDO First Peoples Aotearoa experience has opened dialogue to some promising talks around Potential collaborative projects to share in learnings and industry experiences for First Nations peoples of these respective landscapes and Industry’s in a variety of aspects of industry.