Experts in Residence – Advanced Streaming Strategy with Mike Warner

Published 14th June, 2024

For the latest iteration of our Expert in Residence series, we’re delighted to offer Victorian professionals and businesses the opportunity to have a free session with streaming specialist Mike Warner.

An Aussie ex-pat, Mike has spent the most part of the last decade in California, becoming an expert in streaming through roles most notably at Chartmetric and Believe. He is the author of the book Work Hard, Playlist Hard, has a popular newsletter, is an Instructor for LinkedIn Learning and is a regular panellist at conferences such as SXSW, NAMM and Music Biz.

He is an in-demand consultant for independent acts looking for streaming strategies to build their online following, and we have secured ten 45-minute sessions with Mike which are available from July 1st. If you would like to apply for one, please fill in this form before 11.59pm Tuesday June 25th. Successful applicants will be informed on Thursday June 27th, at which time you will be able to book a session.

Please note that as with most VMDO initiatives, industry professionals such as managers and labels will be prioritised for selection. VMDO’s prime mission is to help Victorian music businesses to grow whereas other organisations cater more directly to the needs of musicians. Artists are welcome to apply (and the form takes 5 minutes so you don’t have much to lose) but please understand artists are unlikely to make up the bulk of successful applications. We’ll help if we can. Victorian residents will make up 100% of successful applications, obviously.


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